Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oly-Lifting Cert

This past weekend I went to the CrossFit Oly-Lifting Cert in Columbia, MD with my friend Dave. Evan and Mandi Davidson of CrossFit Diesel hosted the event and it was an awesome time. Josh Everett lead the cert, assisted by Kirk Woolfolk (Director of S&C at Navy).

We covered the Snatch, the Clean, and the Jerk. For the most part we used the PVC piping to go over (and go over, and go over.......then go over) technique and positions. But, at the end of each day we threw some weight on the bar and I (squat) snatched 90lbs with ease, which was an ugly PR previously. I cleaned and jerked only 128, but it went up with way more ease than before. After 1000 reps I think it became second nature. Repetition, repetition, repetition.

Long and short of it...What did I learn? Patience. Be deliberate until the bar is in a position of generating power and then POP THAT SHIT!! :) No, but in all seriousness, "patience" is the key to a successful lift. If you "grip and rip" the bar, it flies out and we have the "swing" or the infamous "reverse curl" (on the clean). Patience allows you to keep the bar close until you can effectively jump hard (not high), shrug, and pull under.

* Rip and Grip totally acceptable with light-moderate weight in WOD's.....gotta get violent!! ;)

I obviously learned a lot more than than 'patience.' But for me, that one word changed the way I approach Olympic lifts.


Ps...that women is WAAAAAAYYYYYY too happy!! Doesn't she know she has to come back up??

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I think Dave has finally lost his marbles??

So I spend A LOT of time with Dave. Soooo much! Too much!! When it comes to lifting heavy s*#t I usually don't question his methods. I mean, how do tell a guy that can front squat 416lbs three times and deadlift over 615lbs how to get stronger??? How about "stay in the heel!" Ha.

Anyway, he read an article, talked to friend, and has now decided to squat EVERYDAY for the next 365 days! Yeah, that's right. BDL has finally gone to the dark side. Still, I support his quest and if you guys want to follow his progress check out his blog

I have actually adopted a similar sequence in my warm-ups. Although, I only shift about 330lbs for 3. I see his reasoning for this. All the best, Lion-head.

The Rise...

I set up this blog a LONG time ago and as you can see I haven't really kept up to date with it. However, events over the last year, months, and weeks (especially) have inspired me to blog my journey, and share my stories with you. There will be good times, bad times, and those that fall somewhere in the middle. But, when all is said and done...the experience remains. I believe in life there are no mistakes, only experiences. Whether you choose to learn from those experiences is what ultimately shapes your journey. It's what shapes you.

Clearly CrossFit has shaped my life since starting in March 2009. But, as important as CrossFit is to me, I think it's important to not lose yourself in one thing. Finding a healthy balance is the key. It is my goal to find that balance and to find out what really makes me tick. Although the '3, 2, 1...GO' usually makes me tick pretty hard, I'm looking for a different stimulus, and when I find it, it will be epic :)

I offer you all to comment freely, criticize constructively, contribute with purpose and good intent.

Let the games begin...